By Danielle McLaughlin
When you’re having one of those days when you just don’t feel like going to the gym, try doing a few chores around the house. You’ll burn calories while getting some housework done, which is a win-win.
1. Gardening
Gardening can be a great full-body workout if you are shoveling, planting, squatting, etc. Thirty minutes of gardening can burn 213 calories!
Calories burned per hour: 416
2. Mowing the Lawn
Get outside and get mowing! Turns out you can burn major calories spending just an hour outside mowing the lawn. Do you have a small yard? Be a good neighbor and mow your neighbor’s lawn for an extra calorie burn.
Calories burned per hour: 325
3. Vacuuming
Thirty minutes of vacuuming burns 90 calories, which is the same number of calories as 15 minutes of boxing! This is a great way to burn some calories and keep your home tidy! Multitasking at its finest.
Calories burned per hour: 180
4. Dusting
Dusting (otherwise known as my least favorite household chore) can burn up to 25 calories in 25 minutes.
Calories burned per hour: 100