Rules for Substitutions and Pitching Changes
by Nick Browne
Watching a baseball game can be a relaxing, enjoyable experience. However, not everyone knows the basics of baseball. If you want to be able to follow the action on the field and truly understand the game, you’ll need to know its rules, especially the most basic ones. In subsequent posts, we’re going to look at many of the rules of the game. In this post, we’ll talk about the rules for substitutions and pitching changes.
When a manager decides he wants to substitute one player for another, he must immediately notify the umpire in chief. The manager must inform the ump of the substituted player’s place in the batting order, as well as the new player’s position on the field.
There are also times when two or more substitute players on the defensive team enter the game. These are usually referred to as double switches. Before the subs can take their places on the field, the manager needs to inform the ump of their positions in the batting order and on the field. If a double switch is being made, the manager must inform the home plate umpire beforehand.
A player that has been substituted out may not return to the game, except to warm up pitchers.